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Tag Archives: lifting

20 Tue

Leaves are Falling: Things to consider when raking them up.

Leaves are Falling: Things to consider when raking them up. MICHELLE MILLNER, PT, DPT, OCS It’s October and the fall colors are at their peak. It won’t be long before the leaves fall and clean up must begin. Raking leaves is hard work, but unfortunately it’s work most...
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31 Thu

The first rule of Crossfit is that you never stop talking about Crossfit

The first rule of Crossfit is that you never stop talking about Crossfit Written by: Paul Kochoa, PT, DPT, OCS, CKTP, CGFI I’ve belonged to a “Box” before.  That’s what Crossfit enthusiasts call their gym.  It’s basically a big warehouse room with large weights, big tires, bars, gymnastic...
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16 Wed

My Favorite Exercise

My Favorite Exercise Written by: Paul Kochoa, PT, DPT, OCS, CGFI  Let me tell you about one of my favorite exercises. First of all, a good exercise should accomplish what it’s supposed to do, get a part of you stronger. Second, it should ideally include multiple joints at...
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18 Tue

When you go shopping, don’t buy a case of the low back blues

‘Tis the season… Or so they say, ‘tis the shopping season.  When you’re hitting the malls this year, don’t let your packages weigh you down and hurt your back.  Lifting a heavy gift or package can be that straw that breaks the camel’s back, so to speak.  Don’t...
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