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Physical Therapy Specializations

Physical Therapy Specializations

Paul Kochoa, PT, DPT, OCS, CGFI


You wouldn’t go to an OB/GYN for treatment of your glaucoma. Medical doctors go through specialization.  An orthopedic surgeon is better equipped to treat an arthritic knee than an internal medicine specialist.

The same is for physiotherapists, you shouldn’t go to a physiotherapist that specializes in pediatrics for your tennis elbow that developed over that long weekend vacation.   Some physiotherapists choose an area to study and become specialized in that area.  It takes more than just a doctorate degree and some continuing education courses to say that you are a specialist.

Orthopedics. Neurology. Geriatrics. Cardiopulmonary. Pediatrics. Sports. Women’s Health.  Clinical Electrophysiology.

These 8 areas are specializations in the field of physical therapy.

The American Board Physical Therapy recognizes the above 8 specialities and requires self-assessment, extra observation and clinical hours, and examination above and beyond the clinical doctorate that is given to physical therapy graduates to become a specialist.

In the state of New Jersey, there are 239 orthopedic specialists.  At Professional Physical Therapy and Training, we have 4 physiotherapists that are orthopedic specialists.  We have advanced knowledge and are specially trained to evaluate and treat orthopedic issues.  The care that you receive from a orthopedic specialist is probably different from someone who is not a specialist or one who specializes in a different area.

To find specialists in your area you can search the ABPTS website.

Remember, not all physiotherapist are created equal.  Choose your medical professional wisely to get the best care.

If you would like more information, please call Professional Physical Therapy and Training at 973-270-7417.  Our offices are located within the YMCA locations in Madison and Summit, NJ.  You do not need to be a member of the YMCA to visit us.




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