Professional Physical Therapy & Training, LLC

7 Simple Secrets For Solving Shoulder Pain

Many people delay getting help for shoulder pain much longer than they should. One reason may be that although the pain can be very intense at times, it may also be momentary or only when moving in a certain way. This leads to avoiding certain movements and believing it will go away on its own. Another reason some don’t seek the care they need is that they might believe that rotator cuff surgery is their only option and don’t want surgery.

The shoulder is in fact a complex joint so it is no wonder that people can be confused about where to begin or what their best options for recovery are.  Therefore, we have compiled some amazingly helpful resources for you, far beyond what can be done in this short article. Get the full complement of tips, videos and self tests now at 

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To get further detail on these as well as many other ways to help your shoulder pain get better, visit