7 Simple Secrets For Solving Shoulder Pain

Many people delay getting help for shoulder pain much longer than they should. One reason may be that although the pain can be very intense at times, it may also be momentary or only when moving in a certain way. This leads to avoiding certain movements and believing it will go away on its own. Another reason some don’t seek the care they need is that they might believe that rotator cuff surgery is their only option and don’t want surgery.
The shoulder is in fact a complex joint so it is no wonder that people can be confused about where to begin or what their best options for recovery are. Therefore, we have compiled some amazingly helpful resources for you, far beyond what can be done in this short article. Get the full complement of tips, videos and self tests now at www.BetterShoulderWithPT.com
Read on for “7 Simple Secrets For Solving Shoulder Pain”:
- Ice or heat? Always the most common question for musculoskeletal injuries, although people with shoulder pain tend to overlook these options. If your shoulder is painful or even just occasionally pinches or strains, ice will definitely help; even once a day for 15 min. On the website, I can share with you my best recipe for making an ice pack as well as how best to apply it for great results. Heat should be reserved for just managing stiffness after pain has consistently subsided.
- Patient says to the doctor “It hurts when I do this”. The doctor replies “Then don’t do that.” People seem to love repeatedly checking certain arm and shoulder movements to see if it still hurts. I’m not sure what this fascination is. This is a great way to turn an intermittent pain into a constant pain. Respect that pain is an indication of a problem. Pushing into pain or even gently and repeated checking will make it worse.
- Provide support. Even the simple act of placing your hand in your pocket when walking can support the weight of the arm and limit strain on the rotator cuff muscles. There are also some great supportive taping techniques that I can share with you that can provide immediate relief. When trying to sleep on the non affected side, support the arm with pillows to keep it in a neutral position at the side.
- Posture counts. Big improvement in reducing shoulder pain and improving function can be realized by focusing on posture. Poor posture can throw off the delicate balance of the rotator cuff muscles and how the joint moves. Backward shoulder rolls and shoulder blade squeezes ten x for ten seconds is a great start. A thorough assessment of postural habits during work and sporting activities can get to the root of the issue.
- Waiting to see if your shoulder pain will just go away is just not an option. As is with most things in life, problems don’t just go away on their own. Although the pain may no longer be present, this may be due to self-limiting activities or compensating with other parts of the body to make up for lost motion at the shoulder. For example, arching your back to avoid pain while raising your arm is a great way to have both back AND shoulder pain. Most, if not all people compensating movements are not aware that they do it.
- Make sure the pain in the shoulder is actually coming from the shoulder. Pain in the shoulder can be referred from a problem in the neck even though there is no pain present in the neck. Get an assessment from a PT.
- Don’t try to diagnose your shoulder problem yourself. Although consulting Dr. Google can be convenient and enticing, there’s an overload of internet information which can cause further concern or worse, set you on the wrong path. Seeing a physical therapist directly is a great way to have all of your questions answered and develop a plan for recovery without medications or surgery. Our team of physical therapists are uniquely trained in performing thorough shoulder examinations. In the event a surgical consult is required, we can make the appropriate referral for you.
To get further detail on these as well as many other ways to help your shoulder pain get better, visit www.BetterShoulderWithPT.com